Father's day

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Father’s Day

Use code SatTimes10 at checkout* to save 10%

Give Dad the gift of simplicity this Father’s Day with an easy tech solution from Doro. Our user friendly smartphones and NEW Doro HearingBuds are the perfect gift to keep both Dad’s and Grandad’s connected and hearing the world around them – be it listening to calls and music or conversations around the dinner table.


*10% discount applies to purchases of the Doro HearingBuds, Doro 8100 and Doro 8200 only. Whilst stocks last. Discount will only be applied when the code has been entered. No cash alternative. Discount code is available for orders placed between the 1st June 2024 and 16th June 2024 inclusive. Which Best Buy award relates to the Doro 8100 only.