About Corporate governance

Corporate Governance at Doro

Doro AB is a Swedish public limited company listed on the OMX Nasdaq Stockholm (Stockholm Stock Exchange). Doro’s corporate governance is based on Swedish legislation, mainly the Companies Act, but also the Stockholm Stock Exchange regulations, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code ("the Code") and other applicable rules and regulations. In addition to these, the company is governed by its articles of association, internal instructions and policies, as well as recommendations issued by relevant organisations and authorities.


Swedish Code of Corporate Governance

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance is based on the principle of “comply or explain”, which means that companies applying the Code may deviate from individual rules provided they give an explanation of the deviation.


Among other things, the Code means that the company’s annual report must be supplemented with a separate report on corporate governance matters in which the company must state whether and how the Code was applied during the past financial year.


Related information

Articles of association 

Corporate governance report